Jonathan Engel
Freelance Creative & Copy

🆔3️⃣🌐 ID.3 World Premier at IAA: Launch campaign and presentation of the first-ever all-electric Volkswagen  🆔3️⃣🌐 ID.3 World Premier at IAA: Launch campaign and presentation of the first-ever all-electric Volkswagen 

They’re launching a new drive concept at Volkswagen every other hundred years or so.

All-electric driving turns driving upside-down.
We put the new driving features into a series of clips, turning things you couldn’t do before into NOW YOU CANs.

NOW YOU CAN branding Frankfurt’s main station for the IAA 2019.

Apropros Frankfurt.

Im Gegensatz zum DAX knackt der ID.3 den Rekord: mit nullkommanull lokalen Emissionen.

︎ Role: Campaign copywriting, editing of social media assets.

Agency: DDB Berlin
Client: Volkswagen

Managing Director: Susanne Plümecke
Executive Creative Director: Achim Weber
Creative Director: Patrik Lenhart
Head of Design: Mahmoud Fathy
Senior Art Director: Lorenz Koch
Copywriter: Jonathan Engel
Art Director: Hendrik Walcker
Account Management: Ha-Na Choi, Stefan Nick, Insa Rasch

DoP: Chris Noltekuhlmann
Photographer: Uwe Düttmann
Stylist: Christiane Graf
Hair & Make-up: Carolin Jarchow
Production: Claas Cropp
Postproduction: Harvest

Jonathan Engel | Imprint | 2024 – Berlin, Germany